Thursday, August 16, 2007

A Visit from the Tooth Fairy

I received a phone call from a very excited little boy yesterday.

" know that loose tooth I had????? It fell OUT!!!"

OMG he was excited! He was feeling sorry for Connor (babysitters 5 year old) cause he was upset his teeth weren't falling too. So Carter told me he wanted to give his next tooth to Connor so he could "get money too".

I had no clue what the going rate for a tooth was these days so I asked the question on a parenting website I visit ( and boy the tooth fairy is very generous is some families! Some said as high as $50 for the 1st tooth, some said $10 to $20 for the 1st tooth, some said $2-5. Well, the cheapos we are we left a twoonie and he has never been happier! He was so excited he couldn't wait to put it in the piggy bank.

We leave for holidays on Friday and I am exhausted from being up too late every night getting ready, making lists, and thinking about too many details. It is a lot of work to get ready to relax!


Anonymous said...

Congrats big boy!!!!

Jane said...

Ours get a toonie too :) And they are more than happy with it :) and sometimes I put 8 quarters instead - for some reason they get more excited because it looks like so much more :)

Congratulations on that first gap!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Way to go carter!
I used to love pulling out my teeth!
Insist on $50 next time!