Sunday, November 9, 2008

Ladies Night - Wedding Edition

The day after Halloween was our monthly Ladies Night get together and instead of donning costumes we all slipped into our wedding dresses! I sent out the following invite to the girls:
I request/demand the pleasure of your company at the celebration of our wedding dresses and our ability or near-ability to wear them.
On Saturday Evening November the first
31 Huxley Cove
Cocktails - Eight O'clock

Please bring appropriate lounging attire if you feel the need to breath at any point in the evening.

I am pleased to report we could all get into our dresses. Some zippers didn't go all the way up, some couldn't sit for any length of time and some had limited mobility but we all wore them!! We rocked the night away playing Rock Band, eating, drinking and laughing.
Joel's birthday picture!

Brianne belting one out!

Jackie....letting it all out!Of course my pasty white leg is beside Cindy - who returned from Hawaii less than a week before this picture!

Cindy - being married the longest in our group proved to be the most efficient fitted sheet folder - we all bow down!

Halloween 2008

The weather for Halloween this year was certainly the best in recent memory. No snow and I don't believe it dipped below 5*C. No snowsuits required! In case it is not obvious, Luca dressed as Raphael (his favorite TMNT) and Carter was Indiana Jones.

The boys get a delivery!