Saturday, February 9, 2008

Another frigid weekend

I am so so very very tired of winter! I love the seasons and I don't think I could live somewhere without them but enough is enough! I am sick of being stuck in the house. We have had some seriously lazy weekends which we have most certainly earned but it would be nice to have some weather that we could be outside in. We have only been sledding once and I would like to take Carter skiing this year as well but the wind chills have been fierce.

January and February so far have been just rotten for us. Nothing specific but Joel and I both have been down right depressed. Serious winter blahs.

I think I am having the 5 year itch at work. I have been at Sobeys for nearly 5 years now and find myself itching for a new challenge. The practical side of me know I need to sit tight and wait until the boys are both in school full time and then do something entirely different. Maybe go back to school....not sure.

On a brighter note we are going out for dinner tonight! Babysitter is lined up and we are going out with friends to celebrate birthdays! It is our friend Brianne's b-day today and mine on Tuesday.
With this cold weather I have been baking a lot. Bread, muffins, etc...Here is Luca waiting patiently for the cinnamon biscuits this morning: