Monday, June 25, 2007

I've been a bad, bad blogger!

If anyone is still visiting my apologies for being so delinquent. There has been plenty going on so I will get right to it!

Carter has his 1st loose tooth!! That is likely the biggest news in our world at the moment (according to him).

School has wrapped up for the year. Last week was the final concert and of course it was fantastic. As you can imagine, Carter is quite the preformer.

Two weeks ago I accompanied the class on the last field trip of the year. About 35 kindergarten kids and a few parents and teachers went on a transportation adventure. Took the school bus to downtown Edmonton and hopped on a city bus. Rode the bus to the LRT station and went for a ride and the kids loved riding "underground". We then got on the High Level Streetcar for a ride across the High Level Bridge. I managed to contain my fear of heights.
We then had a picnic at Kinsmen Park. It was a great day!

We have made all the arrangements for Carter to spend a second year in Kindergarten. He seems to be unfazed by the whole idea. On the last day of school many kids were talking about Grade 1 and I told Carter as we were leaving the school that I thought he was very lucky to be going to Kindergarten again and he agreed.

Joel and I are contemplating a trip to Hawaii in November with Cindy and Leonard. Their travel companions are now not able to go and we may just bite the bullet and do it. It would be a 2 bedroom condo in Maui. May be too sweet an opportunity to pass up.

I am also being wooed by a head hunter for a position in Langley BC. Not ready to go into details but it is an interesting prospect to say the least.

We are still without a driveway, sidewalk or grass at home. That is getting frustrating to say the least.

I have pics to load but I'll have to do that from home....I'll try tonight.


Anonymous said...

we'd come visit you in langley! My uncle used to live there, very nice.
PS, I saw your mom!

Byers Fam said...

Very bad blogger you!!! But glad you finally updated...I see you wrote on my facebook but I cant get on ( something about site mainteance) Maybe about the boxes?

Don't Move silly! You love it here! LOL

We have a drive way...sidewalk and a rough grade..jealous??? We still need city approval on the rough grade and they are taking forever to get around apparently! So we'restill in dirt too! But I saw your little puppy yard...yay for BUSTER!!