Saturday, March 17, 2007

We've Finally Moved!

After an exhausting week we are finally settled in to our new digs! We are in heaven! The boys are thrilled with their new space. They are both sleeping great in their new bunk beds. Luca has had a smooth transition to the "big boy bed" and is sleeping better and longer than he did in the crib.

We had a little party for everyone who helped us move and to celebrate Luca's birthday. I really wanted to make him a cake so I made an Elmo cake and it was a hit!


Anonymous said...

what a bright looking kitchen! Great looking cake too!

Jane said...

That cake is FAB!!!! And the house looks so good.....does it feel like home yet? I remember when we moved into the house we built...even cleaning was a pleasure lol....but that didn't last - sigh!!! ;)

Anonymous said...

so happy you love your new home! - it makes all the work and waiting worthwhile...i love our house more everyday and i'm sure you will too - after all, you guys designed it! tanya.