Thursday, January 11, 2007


Current conditions in Edmonton: -27°C

OK it is flippin' cold out there! The dog looked up at me this morning and promised to pee on the mat all day if he didn't have to outside today!

We had a bit of a blizzard yesterday and thankfully I was able to work from home so I didn't have to venture far from home. Just out to get Carter from School and pick up Luca from the sitter. We didn't get nearly as bad a storm as hit Saskatoon. I have to talk to the inlaws to see how they made out as all the highways shut down and even streets in the city were closed. Here we were basically hit with a typical January on the prairies kind of day.

Tonight I have plans to go to a concert with a friend. And Monday I can't wait...Joel and I are going to the David Copperfield show! I got the tickets for his birthday.

My poor sister just can't catch a break! She has to get some major dental work done that's going to cost major $$$. If I win the's on me!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It finally got cold here too. We were so spoiled!! We are escaping to Ontario this weekend to get back to some minus 10 weather. Sometimes I think theres something to be said for global warming.