Monday, November 27, 2006

Productive Weekend

First of all...the weather here is horrid!! Currently it is -23 but with the wind chill it feels like -35 and it snowed all weekend long!! It certainly reminds me of home...

Friday, I had a very productive day at work and decided I had earned leaving early. I went to the mall and got my Christmas shopping started.

Saturday I took the boys to my company kids Christmas Party. Santa was there with presents but Carter was a bit skeptical because he couldn't find his sleigh. That boy has a lot of questions!

Carter: How does Santa know if I'm being bad?
Me: He can see you?
Carter: How?
Me: Well, he is magic and he has helpers at Christmastime.
Carter: Do you help him?
Me: Oh Yes, I have his phone number!

Sunday was clean-up day at home. Joel took in recycling, we cleaned out closets and cupboards. Put up a few Christmas decorations, baked a ham, baked a gingerbread cake and had company for supper.

I'm torn whether or not to put up a tree this year as it looks like we are heading to Saskatoon for Christmas (weather permitting).

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