I am sitting in a small hotel room in Peace River. I am here to conduct 2 Food Safety Certification courses, one here and one in Grande Prairie. Normally, I have "people" to do this sort of thing but I am short staffed at the moment so I thought it prudent to take on the training myself. I don't mind too much as I get out of the office but the evening are quite boring in places like this. Not much to do in Peace River. I try and force myself to relax and enjoy the quiet and get some work done.
I am doing well on the "exercise/weight loss project". My friend Brianne & I have a Biggest Loser challenge for the next two months. We are having weigh-ins every week to track our losses. At every 2nd week weigh in the one who loses the least amount has to pay the other $20. If that person gains.....the payment is doubled to $40! Money talks so we are both fairy motivated. I won the 1st pay day by losing 0.2 lb more than her! It is going to be a FIERCE competition!