Sunday, November 9, 2008

Ladies Night - Wedding Edition

The day after Halloween was our monthly Ladies Night get together and instead of donning costumes we all slipped into our wedding dresses! I sent out the following invite to the girls:
I request/demand the pleasure of your company at the celebration of our wedding dresses and our ability or near-ability to wear them.
On Saturday Evening November the first
31 Huxley Cove
Cocktails - Eight O'clock

Please bring appropriate lounging attire if you feel the need to breath at any point in the evening.

I am pleased to report we could all get into our dresses. Some zippers didn't go all the way up, some couldn't sit for any length of time and some had limited mobility but we all wore them!! We rocked the night away playing Rock Band, eating, drinking and laughing.
Joel's birthday picture!

Brianne belting one out!

Jackie....letting it all out!Of course my pasty white leg is beside Cindy - who returned from Hawaii less than a week before this picture!

Cindy - being married the longest in our group proved to be the most efficient fitted sheet folder - we all bow down!

Halloween 2008

The weather for Halloween this year was certainly the best in recent memory. No snow and I don't believe it dipped below 5*C. No snowsuits required! In case it is not obvious, Luca dressed as Raphael (his favorite TMNT) and Carter was Indiana Jones.

The boys get a delivery!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Weekend Plans

Hockey, Hockey, Hockey...........

Saturday morning 9:00am
Saturday night Joel is working the Oilers game 50-50 draw
Sunday 7:00am - yes you read that right.
  • I have hopes to get the Christmas lights up
  • Take the kids to see WALL-E before it leaves the cheap theatre
  • Try not to think about Cindy and Leonerd on the beach in very jelous!

Monday, October 13, 2008


HELLO! I am sure everyone is shocked that I am updating but after many less than subtle hints from family and friends I give you.....a new post.

Where to start.....


Luca has started going to a playschool class one morning a week. He LOVES it. He especially loves his teacher Mrs. Mann.

Carter has started hockey. Yes, hockey. As I sat in the rink, freezing at 8:00am on Saturday I thought I was suddenly part of a secret society I never thought I would be a part of (nor did I want to be)! But I have to admit it was so much fun watching him on the ice. He loves it. After 2 weekends of practices he loves it and asks pretty much everyday if he is going to the rink. I imagine Joel and I will be spending a lot of time in arenas the next few years.

Luca - future Rink Rat


I finished my 1st week at my new job. I have left Sobeys after 5 long years. I am the Director of Quality Assurance for Canyon Creek Soup Co. So far so good. I definitely I my challenges but feel like 90% of my life stresses were left behind at Sobeys. I had a bit of Blackberry withdrawal the 1st few day but it now feels great to be unplugged.


Joel's Mom and Dad came for the weekend and we had such a great visit. Carter was happy to have them watch him play hockey and Luca was happy to have his Papa. Papa even spent some time playing Wii with Carter. I have to admit our Turkey Day was awesome! Good food, good company and lots to be thankful for.

Luca adores Sonia....

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Fun in the Sun

The long weekend in Calgary

Fun at Calaway Park and Calgary Zoo.

Me & Baby Lasagna

Luca has given Sonia her first nickname....he calls her baby lasagna, or at least that is what it sounds like when he says baby Sonia.

A few more pics from July in Winnipeg

Friday, August 1, 2008

July - Trip to Winnipeg - Fun at the Zoo

End of June.....Tomlenovich Family Reunion

Not too many pics but I ended up having to leave before supper with a doozy of a migraine. It was fun to get to know some of Joel's family a bit better and of course spend time with his sister Sheryl and her family. I wish I got a picture of all the little ones together. Carter especially loves spending time with his cousins.

Mid June....Kindergarten Graduation

Carter is officially done with kindergarten! I found myself a bit sad/teary but watching him at the final concert it was so clear that he was ready for Grade 1. We are so certain that our decision to keep him back a year was the right thing to do. The boy he is standing in the last picture is bigger than all the other kids...yes, Carter is small but that child is HUGE!